Our Services

If you’re thinking about selling your home, your real estate agent might suggest ‘staging’ your home. You’ve probably never heard about staging or think it’s something only design shows offer on TV - so why would you need to stage your home?

Home staging is the process of preparing a home for sale by showcasing its best features and creating a feeling that speaks to a potential buyer’s psychology. This same strategy occurs in your daily life - when you go shopping for clothing or furniture, a beautiful display window or showroom catches your eye, appeals to your psyche and you can’t help but walk inside and want to buy something - am I right?

In order to stand out in Halifax’s competitive housing market, your home has to inspire someone to make an offer - and most times a staged home gets more showings and higher offers than an un-staged one. It’s a win-win! 

Staging 1, 2, 3...

Staging 1, 2, 3...

Curated Home Staging Halifax | Halifax's Home Staging Expert | We make your home look its best


Staging Consultation

Let’s get to know each other.

You or your agent has made the first move, booked a date for the staging consultation, and to our delight, we get to meet your home in person! Let’s see if your home is compatible with the next potential homeowner.

Are they an individual or family? What is the demographic in your area and what style are they after? Will they appreciate your husbands model car collection, or your grandmother’s heirloom quilt – 90% of the time they won’t.

Our professional home stager will best assess your home, by touring the space, taking photos, measurements and writing a list of recommendations to get your house in tip top shape for the next special someone.

Curated Home Staging Halifax | Halifax's Home Staging Expert | We make your home look its best


Staging Preparation

It’s our second date already and we’ve devised a plan to get you in the mood.

The last time we met, our home stager prepared a list of recommendations she felt your home could improve upon. For some of you, it’s been a long time since army green kitchen appliances, mauve coloured walls and shag carpeting were in style. Not everything comes back, so to stay on top of your game, we will inject some new life into your home.

With this in mind, the most common suggestions would be a refresh and de-clutter of your home. That could be as simple as a neutral paint colour, changing a light fixture or two, and packing up your precious collectables and family photos from the walls and refrigerator doors. 

It may take some elbow grease and a few trips to storage, to make this happen, but we believe in you!

Curated Home Staging Halifax | Halifax's Home Staging Expert | We make your home look its best


Staging To Sell

You worked so hard to get this far and met all the requirements we laid out for you. Bravo!

We want to take this relationship to the next level. Let’s face it, your beautiful home deserves a little pampering so it’s time for you to take a break and leave the rest to us!

Armed with an array of home furnishings, accessories and artwork, we take home staging seriously and are committed to showcasing your home’s best qualities. The right buyer is out there, and with a little charm and elegance, your home will stand out from the rest and make them swoon.